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Stam, H.J., Ph.D.



Henderikus (Hank) Stam is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Calgary and an Adjunct Professor in the Department of History.
His recent scholarly interests have focused on contemporary theoretical problems in psychology and the historical foundations of 20thcentury psychology on which he has published numerous articles and book chapters, and he is the founding and current Editor of Theory & Psychology, a bi-monthly journal published by Sage (London). Hank is a Fellow of the American and Canadian Psychological Associations. He is a founding member and former President of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology; a former President of Division 24 of the APA (Society for Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology); and a former Chair of Section 25 of the Canadian Psychological Association (History and Philosophy of Psychology). He has just been elected President of Division 26 of the APA (Society for the History of Psychology), a position he will take up in 2015.